If you are reading this, then you can no longer say you did not know! Centros de Internamiento de Extranjeros (CIEs) are prisons in all but a name. People who are thrown there have committed no crime, they simply lack papers. As many as 25% of the detained may be eligible for asylum, but are not aware of their rights. Most detainees are summarily deported within 60 days without any possibility of appeal. People in CIEs have no access to a lawyer or even a phone call; some have been snatched in the street without as much as informing their closed ones as to where they are. Many detainees experience racist abuse and various violations of their basic human rights. Some mothers have been separated from their children; there are even pregnant women among detainees. People with chronic health conditions receive no medical attention. Inhumanity abounds…
Spanish civil society has decided that enough is enough. Today, June 15th is a day of awareness-raising and advocacy for closure of this shameful phenomenon, CIEs. Read about amazing initiatives taking place across Spain and help us spread the message!