Our completed or ongoing projects in the area of Discrimination include:
- Anti-Discrimination “Crisis Cards”
- Access to legal aid in discrimination cases (forthcoming)
Our completed or ongoing projects in the area of Hate Crimes include:
- Online Survey for Victims of Hate Crimes in Spain
- Hate Crimes in Spain Shadow Reports
- No Hate Speech Online Campaign
- Red Alert: Extreme Right Violence
- Stop Funding Hate Campaign
Our completed or ongoing projects in the area of Rights of Migrants (especially undocumented) include:
- Close Prisons for Foreigners Campaign
- Save Hospitality Campaign
- Shadow reports (Women in Spanish CIEs)
- PICUM participation
- Commentary on the Spanish draft law implementing the EU Victims´Directive
In addition, we collect useful resources in the main areas of our work: Useful Links.
If any of this interests you and you would like to get involved, please contact us!