Etiquetado: OSCE

Guides Related to Hate Crime


Useful resources developed by OSCE Office for Demoratic Istitutions and Huan Rights on the topic of combating hate crimes. Includes model training manuals, guides and methodologies, data and thematic reports from across the OSCE area. Read more...

Progress for victims of #hatecrimes in Spain!

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We are pleased and proud to inform that after over two years of relentless advocacy by Pro Igual´s team, the Valencia police signed a formal agreement with the OSCE to start police training on hate crimes within the TACHLE program.

We believe this will be a major step towards practical implementation of rights of victims of #hatecrimes, who overwhelmingly tend to be from the most vulnerable groups: minorías, immigrants, undocumented persons, and so forth.

We also hope this pilot will be replicated across Spain and will continue working towards this goal.

CIDDHH Pro Igual es Asociación sin ánimo de lucro registrada en el Ministerio del Interior con el nº 595496.