Etiquetado: ECAS

ECAS’s 30th Anniversary – Accomplishments and Hopes for the Future


Recientemente, Servicio Europeo de Acción Ciudadana (ECAS) celebrated its 30th Anniversary. Read ECAS Director Assya Kavrakova´s post on ECAS´s accomplishments and aspirations.

Pro Igual has been a network member in the field of Human Rights, Inclusion & Nondicrimination for nearly a decade, and made its modest contributions to a number of high-profile campaigns. Among the most valuable in our own work we find EU Rights Clinic which has provided legal aid and served to rectify rights violations of countless individuals in varying administrative situation.

We warmly congratulate ECAS with the anniversary and wish many happy returns and achievements!

CIDDHH Pro Igual es Asociación sin ánimo de lucro registrada en el Ministerio del Interior con el nº 595496.