Annual Survey on Hate Crimes


What is a hate crime?

Hate crimes are generally understood as criminal acts motivated by bias or prejudice towards particular
groups of people. In other words, the perpetrator selects a victim based on the victim’s real or perceived membership of a particular group (there can also be an overlap of identities). Criminal acts can include physical attacks, threats, damage to property (such property is chosen because of its association with a target group and can include personal property, such as homes or vehcles, as well as places of worship, cultural or other community centers). Unfortunately, not all countries have specific hate crime laws, which complicates detection of the phenomenon and leaves the victims powerless.

What do we do?

Monitoring and documenting hate crimes is one of Pro Igual´s core projects. We realize that many victims do not report hate crimes because they fear repercussions, because they think nobody would believe them or do anything, or even because simply dod not know how. As a result, an estimated 95% of such crimes remain unreported. And the States commonly have little incentive to address this problem.

Pro Igual´s annual survey is intended for victims (or witnesses) of hate crimes that occur in the course of the year. The methodology used in our analysis is aligned with the methodology developed by OSCE ODIHR, and Pro Igual is proud to have made various contributions to that project. If you were a victim or witnessed a hate crime, please help us raise awareness of the true scope of the phenomenon by taking part in our ongoing online survey on hate crimes in Spain.
All responses are strictly confidential. The anonymized data will be used solely for advocacy purposes: to raise awareness of the phenomenon of hate crimes in Spain, inform victims on the recourse available to them, and to promote better official response to such crimes. Thank you very much for your help and for sharing the link among your contacts and networks.

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CIDDHH Pro Igual es Asociación sin ánimo de lucro registrada en el Ministerio del Interior con el nº 595496.