Red Alert: Extreme Right Violence


The neo-Nazism and neo-Fascism rear their ugly heads across Europe, aided by economic decline and despair. PRO IGUAL looks at the nature and crimes of extreme right movement in Spain and the ways and means to counter it.



Origins of neo-Nazi movement in Spain

Legislation on political parties

Legislation on hate crimes

Extreme right and xenophobic parties and movements

Extreme right elements in the Spanish police and armed forces

Extreme right scene: Neo-Nazis in Madrid

Extreme right scene: Neo-Nazis in Valencia

Extreme right scene: Neo-Nazis in Catalonia

Extreme right scene: Neo-Nazis in Malaga

Extreme right and corruption

Connections with neo-Nazi and extreme rights organizations abroad

Spanish civil society against extreme right

Annex A: Results of the 2011 general elections in Spain

Annex B: History of extreme right participation in Spanish elections

Annex C: Statistics on hate crimes




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